compass rose in Chinese
- 方位刻度环
- 方位圈 (俗称“罗经花”)
- 螺盘刻度盘
- 罗差校正坪的方位标记图
- 罗经花向位圈
- 罗经盘
- 罗盘标度面
- 罗盘的刻度盘
- 罗盘分割图
- 罗盘刻度盘
- 罗盘面
- 罗盘仪刻度盘
- 向位圈
- "compass" in Chinese : n. 1.周围;界限,区域范围;【音乐】音域。 2.罗盘 ...
- "rose" in Chinese : rose2 rise 的过去式。
- "compass swinging rose" in Chinese : 罗差校正坪的方位标记图; 罗盘旋转刻度盘
- "compass" in Chinese : n. 1.周围;界限,区域范围;【音乐】音域。 2.罗盘,罗针仪,指南针。 ...
- "the compass" in Chinese : 指南针乐队
- "rose" in Chinese : n. 罗斯〔姓氏,女子名〕。 rose1 n. 1.【植物;植物 ...
- "rose a" in Chinese : 玫瑰红刚玉
- "rose to" in Chinese : 升高到
- "the rose" in Chinese : 春蕾; 歌声泪痕; 街角的蔷薇; 玫瑰狂热
- "rose rose" in Chinese : 玫瑰玫瑰
- "a rose is a rose is a rose" in Chinese : 是名…爱
- "red rose white rose" in Chinese : 红玫瑰白玫瑰; 红玫瑰与白玫瑰
- "rose carmine rose mauve" in Chinese : 玫瑰紫红
- "rose come,rose go" in Chinese : 玫瑰花开玫瑰谢
- "rose rose roses roses" in Chinese : 粉色的
Other Languages
- "compass rose" meaning: noun The circular device showing the principa...
- "compass rose" meaning in Japanese: コンパスローズ、羅針図、方位図
- "compass rose" meaning in Russian: 1) _мор. изображение картушки компаса на карте
- "compass rose" meaning in French: la rose des vents, la rose du nord (dessin montrant les se...
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What is the meaning of compass rose in Chinese and how to say compass rose in Chinese? compass rose Chinese meaning, compass rose的中文,compass rose的中文,compass rose的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by